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Employee Code Generation

Employee Code Generation page displays a list of employee code generations. You can filter the list on the basis of Alt Group, Prefix, Serial No. and Suffix.

How to generate employee codes?

1. Click + icon. Following pop up will open.

Field Level Description

Please select Alt Group list of Alt groups or employee groups. You can choose one.
Prefix prefix of employee code.
Serial No. serial no. from which employee code generation will begin.
Suffix suffix of employee code.

2. Enter the required information.

3. Click Save button.

Impact in Alt Worklife

Lets take an example of a group, Alt Emp Code with employment type and grade parameters. Employment Type has values Permanent and Grade has values 5 and 6. Alt Emp Code is linked to Employee Code Generation Policy.

Now in Alt Worklife, when an employee is created under HRIS > List Employees and employment type is selected as permanent and grade is selected as 5 then employee code is automatically generated under Position Tab.